Pass it easily

Today′s most trusted study guide brand introduces a breakthrough new test–prep series As a direct outcome of recent market research, CliffsNotes is launching the Cram Plan series to answer the unmet needs of today′s “snippet–study” test–takers who need to cram for the SAT, ACT, GMAT, and GRE exams just weeks–or days–before the test. These students are extremely pressed for time and want study aids that are highly time–boxed.
Unlike any other test–prep product on the market, the Cram Plan series truly calendarizes a study plan for time–crunched test–takers according to their unique situation. The closer the test date approaches, the more granular the guidance and direction becomes. Each book contains a detailed calendar with tasks for each study–plan step; they include multiple checklists throughout. Plus, test–takers can take advantage of online tools such as searchable PDFs, calendar widgets, and e–mail reminders.


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